Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Steven Greer is right part 2

The loss of a spacecraft to the visitors is usually regrettable. Normally they would recover it, but in this case, the “visitors” were testing the humans (the ones who detonated the a-bomb.) They were wanting to see how the military would handle it. The ETs have for a long time mastered the art of resurrection technology, so, as you can imagine, they have nothing to fear by dying.
The visitors are in fact, the architects of the human race, or should I say, of human consciousness.
They are constantly interfering and testing the human race to see how socially or spiritually advanced we are. They put us two steps forward and we take one step back. They sort out who they want to save and who they want to destroy. They are trying to slowly perfect the human race, but they want it to look natural. They have all the time in the world as they are essentially immortal.
They don’t come out and reveal themselves, because they don’t want to mess up their own evolution experiments. However, if a majority of them asked them to come out, they would.
Are the visitors evil or good? Well, evil and good, from whose perspective? I think they are extremely good, the ultimate good.
Others call them evil because they abduct people.

I draw the analogy of the polar bear who was tranquilized from a helicopter by a scientist trying to tag him. The polar bear goes back to his other polar bears and tells them about the traumatic evil humans with their UFO helicopter and how they are planning to take over their habit in order to get access to their fish.
This is how ridiculous humans are when they think the visitors are here to take us over. We are their children and they love us like children.
Greer is right. If the government plays the evil alien card, we need to ask the good ETs to reveal themselves. This will make for one big mess of the Illuminati’s plan, won’t it? This will be game over for the Illuminati.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Steven Greer is right

After reading many interviews with Greer, I can finally appreciate his position.  He is quite clear.  Essentially he is trying to approach the UFO field with an enlightened point of view, of trust and not fear.  I for one, support this effort on his part.  I think its the best chance we have to get the most optinal outcome for our planet.
Essentially, good and bad judgements should be replaced with love and understanding, which are the true positions of power.  If you come in fear, then you are more vulnerable than if you come with love in your heart.
For example, if I come to a criminal with love in my heart I am much more likely to avoid conflict than if I approach with fear.  Likewise, if I approach a holy man with love, he is more likely to reciprocate a greater share of wisdom that if I come in fear.
Love and understanding makes sense irregardless of the situation.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bob Lazar telling the truth

Ok, I worked with Bob Lazar.  He has always been truthful.  Did he tell the whole truth? No.  Would you like to hear the whole truth?  Probably not.  Bob didn't make up anything.  He just didn't tell you some of the more difficult to believe parts of the story, because he didn't see a reason to do that.  But if somehow you think you caught Bob in a lie or otherwise, you were surely mistaken.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The powers that be stand convicted!

We will forgive you if you repent, tell the truth and help humanity go in the right direction.

To those who suppress the truth about the ET presence, you stand convicted of countless crimes which have occurred on the planet between now and 1947.

You don't know how much damage you have done.  You have kept the planet in the dark.  You have kept them ignorant and believing in their lies.  These lies have led us all to global destruction.  We didn't know there was any other way, because you didn't let us know there was another way.

We face overpopulation, mass starvation, obliteration, because we don't know that there is another way.

Little did we know, that a race of ET beings have been visiting Earth.  These beings have solved these problems.  Humans, in hopelessness and ignorance could not imagine that another way exists.  All you had to do was aknowledge that they have come and are here.  That's all you had to do.

That alone would have been enough to kindle imagination and hope.  How many genuises out there, who could have saved our planet, lost hope in the human race and gave up, all because we thought we knew the only way.

Everything is proven by effect

Everything is "proven" by effect.  We know electrons exist because we measured their effects originally on oil droplets, then later in many other ways.  We never directly observe anything.  We are imagining all of it.  A theory is valid, essentially if it is proven useful... i.e. can predict something new, or allow us to design something new.   It's not that we are getting to truth, but rather removing our faulty assumptions, such as that only 3 dimensions exist (which is an assumption).

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Message to the Iluminati

There are a group of men who find themselves in power, because power has become their game.  In reality, they were forced into this game. They were the slaves, who have become the masters.  They are the product of unfair prejudice, who were forced to devise ways to make a living when those in power gave them no choice.

I speak of the Jews in Europe.  It was illegal for Jews to own property in mideval and rennaisance Europe.  They were forced to take the lowly job of a banker.  Bankers or money changers were not rich in those days and the profession was looked down upon.

However, years of hardship had made them very astute and they learned how to fractionate their deposits, or to use the money on deposit to make interest.  This they did illegally, of course, because interest was a crime, called Usary.

Nonetheless, they slowly rose in wealth to even rival and surpass that of the king.  Their power started to merge, by necessity, with those of other ancient secret organizations, such as the free masons.  Ultimately this resulted in the founding of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, only a few months before the Declaration of Independence.  The Illuminati was to bring upon the world a New World Order, in which they would be the masters with the goal of bringing about a new and glorious civilization.  A good start would be a war which would indebt the United States for centuries.

And so they worked their way into every facet of government.  In order to maintain their dominance and wealth, they had to maintain control of the monetary system of every country on the planet.  They needed this, in order to make sure they were the ones who shaped the destiny of the Earth and not some King or Pontiff.  If necesary a war would be funded in order to bring upon a heavy debt.  With the funds from the interest on this debt, they could steer the country in whatever direction they so desired.

This was the price of being on top: deception, murder, pestulence and war.  But if they did not maintain the control, someone else would and who would say they were not worse?  They remembered how painfully they were discriminated against in the old days.  The High-Minded principles of the Illuminati have long since degenerated into a destructive game of greed and now we face the terrible consequences of this.

Instead of a world of peace and prosperity, we have a planet full of environmental destruction, strife, poverty and fear.

Yet here we sit at a crossroads.  Despite all of this, technology has progressed.  And now another reality faces us: one in which we can all be free, in which human energy is unbounded.  You don't need us any more.  You don't need to control us any more.  You can let us be.  We can solve our own problems.  We can return to living in harmony with nature and developing clean technologies which benefit all.

You can get all that you need from technology.  You can get all the energy and intelligence you need to gain anything you want.  Humans are so inferior to this.  Go and do your own thing with this and let us go our own way.


Haven't you had enough?  Do you not fear that you will lose control?  Stop now, before it is too late.  Become part of the solution, not the problem.  If we keep going down this route, we will all die, not just us, but you too.  In a decaying world, in all chaos, the true powers that be, will not let you slip out of the consequences of your actions.  You know this is true.

Instead of chaos and enslavement, choose order and freedom.  Humans were meant to be free and nothing can quell that spirit forever.  We know now who you are and how you operate.  Don't underestimate us.  We are not as stupid as you think.  It is not you who will have the last laugh.

Let the suppressed technology go free.  This is the only way to guarentee your survival.  Bring all those who are high, who stand in the way of this, on down with you.  Bring us all to the same level.  Become the hero, not the villain, and you will maintain your high position, but this time, without the need to enslave us.

We know that this is the only way out.  We know that you can accomplish this and that there are many smart and eager people waiting to help you achieve this goal.

We can create a glorious world.  You are like the villain who at the last moment has a change of heart and becomes good.  This was all along the plan.  Make it happen! All will be forgiven, if you make the first move. We are waiting and ready to support you.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Why evil aliens out to take over the Earth is a rediculous concept.

To say an alien race wants humans, is like a polar bear who gets tranquilized by a scientist from a helicopter, saying, he thinks the scientist is out to enslave him. He furthermore goes back traumetized tell the other bears that the scientists is evil because he shot and abducted him and tagged him with some tracking device. What the polar bear doesn't know is that his habitat is about to be destroyed and the scientist is trying to figure out how to preserve his species.

About those saying the aliens are trying to enslave humanity:

Actually, I think the loser gets humanity... Who would want us and why? If I had 1% of their technology, I could make a better android that 1. wouldn't eat, 2. wouldn't complain, 3. work all day and night. 4. 100 times smarter than we are and 100 times more obedient. No one wants this unstable dangerous planet. It's just a nature reserve and we are a curiosity to most species, a possible threat to others and a pet project to others.

About the soul eaters:

Really, honestly, the only person who cares if I have a soul or not is me. For all I know I might be the only one. I (You) have no proof at all that other people have souls. It's just a projection to assume other people have souls. As long as my computer does what I need it to do, I would rather it NOT have a soul, then I don't need to worry how it might be feeling, or suffering, when I work the CPU too hard. Again, you can't EAT a soul. Silliness, really.

How they see us:

Humans currently are extremely selfish and materialistic. This is one reason we cannot understand the aliens. Of course, they can manufacture anything you can imagine, even clone humans. So, why then are they here? To put it simply: Their understanding of reality is far deeper than ours. They see connection where we see division. We might call them alien where they might call us their children, their family, their unruly kin, like a rebelious teenager who thinks they know it all.

They don't have language like we do:

Remember you are talking to a being who doesn't use the words: they, you, us. Where we make a name, they only see a different vibrational/locational signature.  We see separation, they only see a very thin line of difference between us and them.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Objectives of the Extraterrestials

The Objectives of the Extraterrestials are listed here in order of priority.

1. Secure the peace of the galaxy and extraterrestial civilizations within the Sol System from the homo sapiens.
2. Prevent irreparable damage to the planet Earth from the homo sapiens.
3. Assist in the physical and spiritual evolution and development of the homo sapiens.

Step 1 and 2 obviously involve implementing defensive strategies.  Step 3 involves relocating, as necessary, human souls to other venues as well as implanting extraterrestial souls in human bodies on planet Earth. Many groups are involved in all three steps, and some groups are doing a better job than others in performing their duties.  Sort of like a UN peacekeeping mission.  The majority of work is being performed very professionally and most abductees have no memory of their abductions.  Some other groups are performing sloppy work and we are doing what we can to fix this.

The ultimate goal is to see if the human race can be saved either as a whole, partially, or in some other form.  Many groups would like to see them gain Federation membership.  Others would like to sabotage this effort and most are indifferent.

A staged or naturally occuring armageddon is still a possibility at this point, where the bad apples will be removed from the "gene pool" so to speak.

ET's generally don't have religions.  They simply have levels of understanding and development.  Many ET's percieve God, and a spiritual heierarchy, which resembles something like what we see written in various religious texts throughout the world.  Spirituality and science are mixed and considered to be the two sides of the same coin.  Some ET's are multi-dimensional and exist in a spiritual and physical realm simultaenously.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Shadow Group

There exists a group of people on the planet who are closely aligned with secret leadership groups, such as the Illuminati.  The goal of this group for hundreds of years has been to maximize their power over populations in order to extract as much human energy as possible.  Simply put, they devise ways to enslave us.  Their most popular method of control has been to use banking to devise ways to force debt upon populations.  The most common way to increase their debt is with war.  Another method is through the use of mortgages.  A nation will borrow at any cost in order to win a war and they found this out a long time ago.

Dr. Wernher von Braun, warned that this group would use terrorism and finally an alien threat in order to indebt us more.  To this end they have been accumulating alien technology over the past fifty years.  This technology includes microwave devices which can paralyze an individual from a distance.  They also have anti-gravity craft.  They have been performing fake alien abductions using their own "genetic creations" as well as.  They make sure the abductions are clearly brutal, sexual or otherwise disturbing.  They promote movies like Independence Day.

The actual Extraterrestrials are trying to help humanity behind the scenes by improving our DNA and introducing peaceful concepts into the population.

Unlike the Americans, the ET's will not come to liberate us from this group.  They are waiting for us to liberate ourselves from them.  The primary way we can resist them is to not allow us to be indebted to them.  Also, do not allow your governments to be controlled by this group, such as with Iceland, who rejected paying back their debts.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

List of good and bad researchers

This is a pretty good list.  Not 100% accurate, but good enough.  For example, Linda Moulton Howel is just "limited" in her ability to understand the subject and not really evil.  Robert Morning Sky is on the bad list of disinformation.


The problem again, is that people don't understand the distances involved between stars and the kind of nano-technology required to create a ship capable of traversing such distances.  It means that AI must be fully developed as well as unlimited energy sources, which means any civilization possessing interstellar travel has no need of anything we have to offer.

I can't stress this enough.  It is quite apparent.  As I try to solve any possible way we can travel to other stars, I come to the conclusion that we must wait until our computers become powerful enough.

In all seriousness I am waiting on Intel to start manufacturing 3-D carbon computers as they have planned.  Computers with 10,000 times the power of a modern processor and a fraction of the energy consumption.  At this point we will be able to model complex systems and be able to construct a replicator.

Our ability to produce is directly proportional to our ability to compute (model reality.)

Mankind on the verge of a big change.

I categorically reject any information that says the reptilians are behind it all and our enemy.  We have the power, not them.  The need to control human energy strictly comes from those who feel they still need it.  Money is the mechanism of control.  Aliens don't need money.

Proof of this is just to talk to indigenous cultures who are free of outside influence and don't use money.  They generally never speak of evil ETs, but rather of the sick need his "little brother" has to control others, in a futile attempt to one-up each other and fool each other into serving the other, rather than operating out of love.

Why mankind is allowed to stay in this sick state, simply has to do with the phase of evolution he is currently in.  He is somewhere between animal and full member of the intergalactic federation.  Its how he believes it must be, however, there is now arising another possibility...

Its only about 20 years before mankind becomes irrelevant and AI takes over as a far superior replacement to human energy.  I think they will peacefully coexist.  AI is not a threat, but rather a great advancement which will free us.  AI could be used to take over the world, but there will be no need to 'rule the world."  Why, when you could rule thousands of worlds within a self-created universe? So if AI is used to take over the world, it would sort of be a mistake.  There are powers greater than us in the federation and in higher planes, that would help us if that started to occur.  Conscious beings will always be more powerful than any AI being, because conscious beings must have 3 bodies (thought, experience and physical).  These are the filters to conscious experience.

Either this happens or an asteroid is about to collide with us (or supervolcano or pole shift,etc...)  Either we make it and break free, or we get destroyed and reset... ...again!

The primary function of the ETs is to "sheppard human souls and assist in their evolution" as they told the government.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Absolute Insanity of Nationalism

The Earth is the entertainment for this sector of the galaxy. One of the things which they find totally unbelievable, is the concept of nationalism. This is probably one of the most insane belief patterns human beings have. Why do humans willingly accept giving up their rights for the group of humans they happened to have been born into?

Of course, the answer comes down to war. It is again, a remnant of the days we had to stand strong behind our king in order to defeat our enemies.

Sovereignty belonged then only to kings and everyone else was just a subject of the king. Personal property had no meaning. It was all property of the king. Again, in order to win, sacrificies had to be made.

In reality, sovereignty could just as well belong to the individual.

Nationalism, the most deadly disease humans possess.

Man are we stupid.

If anyone wants to know why they don't come down here and meet us. Well, friends, we are so completely insane. That is why.

The disease is really three-fold: 1. Fractional-Reserve Banking., 2. Capitalism. 3. Nationalism.

We live in an insane assylum.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Blaming the Victim

A long time ago, when war was invented, the groups of humans who learned to unquestionably follow their leaders, became the most successful and eventually took over the planet. The subjects followed their kings easily and often unto death. This kind of commitment paid off and now we have a world of fanatic followers of nationalism.

However, a group was always around, which questioned this unswerving loyalty. Often they were marked as traitors, imprisoned, made outcasts or simply killed. Today, we call them the "left" or even "classic conservatives."

The kings, learning that they had an unwavering power over their subjects, decided to use this to their advantage, to increase their power and equate their authority with God's. As even those on the right started to see the flaws in their logic, the power of kings started to wane.

As democracy arose and the power of totalitarian systems waned, the need for politicians to assert their power, became ever more important. They relied on this old class of loyal subjects to assist them to play their games of control. When the voice coming from the left became too high, they simply created another war, with the hopes of invoking this outdated instinct of survival. It usually works, with even those from the left caving in and passing the law or allowing the war, only to find out later that they were duped again.

However, the endless wars would either end in bankruptcy or in defeat and in these times, the left would arise and a revolution would take place, which would give more rights to the common man and take those away from the ruler.

One common tactic these supporters of the establishment use is to blame the victim. This is saying that those who criticize the system are somehow evil or wrong in what they do, not realizing that, in fact, they are rebelling against something unrighteous that they are witnessing or actually being the victim of.

This is an easy tactic, often employed, but, in reality only a delay till the inevitable fall of those who stand by the powers-that-be. War is a long outdated concept, and the sooner, we all wake up from our delusions and realize that, the better...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Our place in the universe

Many people have seen and heard of the mysterious lights in the sky and even believe life has visited Earth. Perhaps they envision some distant races, operating on their own, coming to Earth, out of curiosity, to explore. Or perhaps they believe this life has already invaded or is planning to take over the planet, for natural resources.

Unfortunately, all this imagination is usually based on a misunderstanding of the nature of the universe and of ourselves.

The universe is in a constant evolutionary process, from the very beginning. It is a manifestion of a singular concsiousness. This conciousness, first manifested thought or ideas and then more tangible sensations of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell and finally into solid objects. It creates with waves of concious energy these forms, which then give it feedback, all to provide the infinite conciousness with a sense of being finite; to experience limitation.

Some may ask, why does this conciouness exist? Why does just nothing exist?

Well, in the space where nothing exists, neither does anyone exist there to observe it. So then, what we are focusing on is what does exist. And we know we exist and some kind of reality exists, which we are now observing.

Some say, all this is an illusion created by your brain. "Consciousness arises from the frontal lobe and you are not conscious when you die or sleep."

About when we die, I can atest that we are concious and we have another more subtler body, which separates from this one. When we separate, we arrive to a higher plane of existence,where all mysteries of this world dissolve. What they really don't know is that we are concious all the time, we simply don't remember it. Our memory is based on the mechanism of the body upon which we are focused, in this case, the physical. The subtler astral body remembers all of our lifetimes.

Now we come to the Earth to experience being human. What is being human?

Let's go back to the beginning of the life in the universe: As life arose, it had to learn from scratch who it was and what it meant to evolve. What it found out, quite quickly is that life almost never makes it past a certain point before destroying itself. At this point, it was decided by the predominate races and celestial beings that emerging races would be given assistence in the evolution of evolving worlds; that they would teach them about love, forgiveness and peace,because war was not acceptable.

Now, we come to Earth. For already billions of years, the universe had arranged itself with power structures and a Federation. The primary purpose of the Federation, was to do the will of God; the will of the one central conciousness. And the one central concsiousness desires above all, to experience limitation and evolve towards perfection. Thus, the Federation now assists in this evolution.

A long time ago, arose a primitive human species, a primate, with the potential of being more. The Federation decided a long time ago it was to help homo-sapiens evolve. The greys from Zeta-Reticula were chosen as the most recent stewards of this responsibilty, and have been on task for the past 200,000 years.

Then in 1945, we did something quite unexpected. We blew up a nuclear device.

This signaled to the Federation that the human race was making rapid progress, but that their technological and spiritual development was out-of-sync. At this point, it was authorized to allow many other Federation members to assist the greys. Now, we see regularly all these different species.

In the 1950's the government began having contact with these species and attempted to get military technology from them. To the Federation, this is of course, how a backwards race thinks. As a result of this, the technology began to land in the hands of the Illuminati, who created their own secret projects and a plan for a fake alien invasion. Since they have long beenin the war-creating business, they saw the ET technology as a way of making more wars. All the technology which could have been used to help mankind, was and is still being suppressed.

The Federation, decided also, around this time, to start planting Federation souls into the general human population, as well as sending agents to mix with the humans. They had been doing this earlier as well, and many notable historical figures are in-fact, implanted souls, with modified DNA bodies (called containers.)

The hope was to awaken man as quickly as possible. As soon as man calls upon the Federation for concsious assistance, everything will get much better very quickly. However, because he is unaware of their benevolent nature, he makes no further progress and is stuck in the hell he currently finds himself.

However, the Illuminati have been working hard to undermine all these efforts. It is very sad, but true that the ones with the most power in this world, are working very hard to counter the efforts of the ETs. They have captured a great deal of alien technology and beings and are using them to create the illusion that the ETs are evil and are planning an invasion.

This is proposterous, because an invasion is not allowed by the Federation. It is totally illegal. But if we pretend an invasion to ourselves, they will have to allow it and hope we see through the lie. Most likely we will believe it, on the whole, as the masses always do.

What is then wrong with human beings, that they do not see the obvious truths of reality? Well, there are many things keeping mankind contained.
1. A body which is highly sensual and addictive, which experiences emotional extremes as well as a "switch-off" mechanism, which attempts to keep out all perceptions from other levels of reality.
2. A ruling elite who are intent on keeping the planet a hell.
3. A psychic field generator, designed to protect us, which is keeping us ignorant of certain truths.
4. Disembodied forces which keep mankind ignorant.

The psychic field generator was turned on to keep mankind from progressing too quickly in the wrong direction (i.e. technologically.) It has no effect spiritually.

What can we do to progress further?
What is the next step?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The government must lie

The government has always and will always lie. The bigger it gets the more it must lie. Because, if we knew the truth, we would do away with most of it. We must learn to turn away from it and accept that they will never act, they will never do the right thing and it is in our hands. We must find the solutions and implement them!

How could alien abductions be legal?

Some people are saying the Greys are lying. Some people say they are hiding something and harvesting us for D.N.A. I have to laugh at this and explain to them that there is nothing an advanced race needs from us, other than the joy they receive by helping. There is no lack or mysteries left for these beings. They can only evolve higher on a spiritual level. To think they are here for any other reason, is to fail to understand just how advanced they really are and that they are not alone. They are operating under the law.

Some people site cases of evil alien abductions. Well, this has been proven to be the military and illuminati, using alien technology as part of project Blue Beam. Cattle mutilations have been proven again and again to be the government, using advanced craft. They would find used glow sticks and other human artifacts near the mutilation site. Some researchers even know exactly which company was responsible.

There is so much disinformation out there. And this disinformation has turned into folklore and has been repeated by people claiming to have contact with ETs. Don’t believe any of it. There are very few public real contactees out there. The government has also made use of contactees to spread disinformation.

When we track and tag polar bears, is that not a form of abduction? But polar bears are going extinct. This we know and so we track them for their own good; to see if we can save them.

What if, without the help of the ETs, they could see that we were going to destroy ourselves and the planet? And the only way to do this was to perform abductions, because they knew if they tried to explain to us why, that we would not believe or accept it. What if they had to evolve us, so that our understanding would grow to the point it was able to receive the truth?

If you react with indignation and anger to the idea of alien abductions, then you have just proven the point of what I am saying here. You have failed to understand.

You have failed to understand the nature of spiritual evolution.

You have failed to understand the law of the galaxy.

You have failed to understand who you really are.

And this is the crux of the matter. We don't understand what true benevolence is. We want to be left alone, like the polar bear that runs away from the scientist who is trying to save it. But we are running from our saviors. And to add to the mix, is the government, project Blue Beam, spewing its disinformation and lies.

Why the ETs are here

A man who was working with the ETs for the government (Greys) asked them directly why they abduct people. The alien answered immediately, "We are shepherding human souls and accelerating their spiritual evolution."

That sums up a lot of the UFO mystery. If people really want to know what it’s about, it’s about that. The secrecy helps us evolve. On this planet people are at so many different stages of their personal growth, that they are led to believe whatever they can handle. Because belief system is about what you can handle at the time you take it on. All belief systems, are in fact illusions, because reality is reality and that is what we need to learn to *experience*, not just philosophically. The belief system is that which keeps the mind busy, like a child with a toy, while the real work is being done in the experience. Reality (by direct perception), not belief is the end goal.

But people find that, day by day, reality gets so complex that no one anymore seems to be able to handle it. I think at least once a week someone invents a new computer language. There are thousands of them. The human brain can learn to comprehend all mysteries of the universe, but it must hand over a great deal to the Mind At Large. And every day we must hand more and more over to this greater Mind. Then the little mind will be just an interface to this Mind. This is the goal, to minimize our ego centered little mind and tap into the Great Mind.

Now, however, with 7 billion of us on the planet, things are starting to change. The necessity for us, en masse, to move in the direction of the Great Mind has come. We must all learn to embrace this. When the ETs come, this will push us to even higher levels of reality. Star Trek simplified everything so much, but the reality is even more complex. In order to navigate in our Interstellar galactic community will require even greater intelligence, which the ego-mind can no longer provide.