Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How could alien abductions be legal?

Some people are saying the Greys are lying. Some people say they are hiding something and harvesting us for D.N.A. I have to laugh at this and explain to them that there is nothing an advanced race needs from us, other than the joy they receive by helping. There is no lack or mysteries left for these beings. They can only evolve higher on a spiritual level. To think they are here for any other reason, is to fail to understand just how advanced they really are and that they are not alone. They are operating under the law.

Some people site cases of evil alien abductions. Well, this has been proven to be the military and illuminati, using alien technology as part of project Blue Beam. Cattle mutilations have been proven again and again to be the government, using advanced craft. They would find used glow sticks and other human artifacts near the mutilation site. Some researchers even know exactly which company was responsible.

There is so much disinformation out there. And this disinformation has turned into folklore and has been repeated by people claiming to have contact with ETs. Don’t believe any of it. There are very few public real contactees out there. The government has also made use of contactees to spread disinformation.

When we track and tag polar bears, is that not a form of abduction? But polar bears are going extinct. This we know and so we track them for their own good; to see if we can save them.

What if, without the help of the ETs, they could see that we were going to destroy ourselves and the planet? And the only way to do this was to perform abductions, because they knew if they tried to explain to us why, that we would not believe or accept it. What if they had to evolve us, so that our understanding would grow to the point it was able to receive the truth?

If you react with indignation and anger to the idea of alien abductions, then you have just proven the point of what I am saying here. You have failed to understand.

You have failed to understand the nature of spiritual evolution.

You have failed to understand the law of the galaxy.

You have failed to understand who you really are.

And this is the crux of the matter. We don't understand what true benevolence is. We want to be left alone, like the polar bear that runs away from the scientist who is trying to save it. But we are running from our saviors. And to add to the mix, is the government, project Blue Beam, spewing its disinformation and lies.

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