Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Message to the Iluminati

There are a group of men who find themselves in power, because power has become their game.  In reality, they were forced into this game. They were the slaves, who have become the masters.  They are the product of unfair prejudice, who were forced to devise ways to make a living when those in power gave them no choice.

I speak of the Jews in Europe.  It was illegal for Jews to own property in mideval and rennaisance Europe.  They were forced to take the lowly job of a banker.  Bankers or money changers were not rich in those days and the profession was looked down upon.

However, years of hardship had made them very astute and they learned how to fractionate their deposits, or to use the money on deposit to make interest.  This they did illegally, of course, because interest was a crime, called Usary.

Nonetheless, they slowly rose in wealth to even rival and surpass that of the king.  Their power started to merge, by necessity, with those of other ancient secret organizations, such as the free masons.  Ultimately this resulted in the founding of the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, only a few months before the Declaration of Independence.  The Illuminati was to bring upon the world a New World Order, in which they would be the masters with the goal of bringing about a new and glorious civilization.  A good start would be a war which would indebt the United States for centuries.

And so they worked their way into every facet of government.  In order to maintain their dominance and wealth, they had to maintain control of the monetary system of every country on the planet.  They needed this, in order to make sure they were the ones who shaped the destiny of the Earth and not some King or Pontiff.  If necesary a war would be funded in order to bring upon a heavy debt.  With the funds from the interest on this debt, they could steer the country in whatever direction they so desired.

This was the price of being on top: deception, murder, pestulence and war.  But if they did not maintain the control, someone else would and who would say they were not worse?  They remembered how painfully they were discriminated against in the old days.  The High-Minded principles of the Illuminati have long since degenerated into a destructive game of greed and now we face the terrible consequences of this.

Instead of a world of peace and prosperity, we have a planet full of environmental destruction, strife, poverty and fear.

Yet here we sit at a crossroads.  Despite all of this, technology has progressed.  And now another reality faces us: one in which we can all be free, in which human energy is unbounded.  You don't need us any more.  You don't need to control us any more.  You can let us be.  We can solve our own problems.  We can return to living in harmony with nature and developing clean technologies which benefit all.

You can get all that you need from technology.  You can get all the energy and intelligence you need to gain anything you want.  Humans are so inferior to this.  Go and do your own thing with this and let us go our own way.


Haven't you had enough?  Do you not fear that you will lose control?  Stop now, before it is too late.  Become part of the solution, not the problem.  If we keep going down this route, we will all die, not just us, but you too.  In a decaying world, in all chaos, the true powers that be, will not let you slip out of the consequences of your actions.  You know this is true.

Instead of chaos and enslavement, choose order and freedom.  Humans were meant to be free and nothing can quell that spirit forever.  We know now who you are and how you operate.  Don't underestimate us.  We are not as stupid as you think.  It is not you who will have the last laugh.

Let the suppressed technology go free.  This is the only way to guarentee your survival.  Bring all those who are high, who stand in the way of this, on down with you.  Bring us all to the same level.  Become the hero, not the villain, and you will maintain your high position, but this time, without the need to enslave us.

We know that this is the only way out.  We know that you can accomplish this and that there are many smart and eager people waiting to help you achieve this goal.

We can create a glorious world.  You are like the villain who at the last moment has a change of heart and becomes good.  This was all along the plan.  Make it happen! All will be forgiven, if you make the first move. We are waiting and ready to support you.

1 comment:

  1. Science is as corrupt as anything else on this planet one can even say that most all science is completely incorrect
