Monday, June 18, 2012

Objectives of the Extraterrestials

The Objectives of the Extraterrestials are listed here in order of priority.

1. Secure the peace of the galaxy and extraterrestial civilizations within the Sol System from the homo sapiens.
2. Prevent irreparable damage to the planet Earth from the homo sapiens.
3. Assist in the physical and spiritual evolution and development of the homo sapiens.

Step 1 and 2 obviously involve implementing defensive strategies.  Step 3 involves relocating, as necessary, human souls to other venues as well as implanting extraterrestial souls in human bodies on planet Earth. Many groups are involved in all three steps, and some groups are doing a better job than others in performing their duties.  Sort of like a UN peacekeeping mission.  The majority of work is being performed very professionally and most abductees have no memory of their abductions.  Some other groups are performing sloppy work and we are doing what we can to fix this.

The ultimate goal is to see if the human race can be saved either as a whole, partially, or in some other form.  Many groups would like to see them gain Federation membership.  Others would like to sabotage this effort and most are indifferent.

A staged or naturally occuring armageddon is still a possibility at this point, where the bad apples will be removed from the "gene pool" so to speak.

ET's generally don't have religions.  They simply have levels of understanding and development.  Many ET's percieve God, and a spiritual heierarchy, which resembles something like what we see written in various religious texts throughout the world.  Spirituality and science are mixed and considered to be the two sides of the same coin.  Some ET's are multi-dimensional and exist in a spiritual and physical realm simultaenously.

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