Many people have seen and heard of the mysterious lights in the sky and even believe life has visited Earth. Perhaps they envision some distant races, operating on their own, coming to Earth, out of curiosity, to explore. Or perhaps they believe this life has already invaded or is planning to take over the planet, for natural resources.
Unfortunately, all this imagination is usually based on a misunderstanding of the nature of the universe and of ourselves.
The universe is in a constant evolutionary process, from the very beginning. It is a manifestion of a singular concsiousness. This conciousness, first manifested thought or ideas and then more tangible sensations of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell and finally into solid objects. It creates with waves of concious energy these forms, which then give it feedback, all to provide the infinite conciousness with a sense of being finite; to experience limitation.
Some may ask, why does this conciouness exist? Why does just nothing exist?
Well, in the space where nothing exists, neither does anyone exist there to observe it. So then, what we are focusing on is what does exist. And we know we exist and some kind of reality exists, which we are now observing.
Some say, all this is an illusion created by your brain. "Consciousness arises from the frontal lobe and you are not conscious when you die or sleep."
About when we die, I can atest that we are concious and we have another more subtler body, which separates from this one. When we separate, we arrive to a higher plane of existence,where all mysteries of this world dissolve. What they really don't know is that we are concious all the time, we simply don't remember it. Our memory is based on the mechanism of the body upon which we are focused, in this case, the physical. The subtler astral body remembers all of our lifetimes.
Now we come to the Earth to experience being human. What is being human?
Let's go back to the beginning of the life in the universe: As life arose, it had to learn from scratch who it was and what it meant to evolve. What it found out, quite quickly is that life almost never makes it past a certain point before destroying itself. At this point, it was decided by the predominate races and celestial beings that emerging races would be given assistence in the evolution of evolving worlds; that they would teach them about love, forgiveness and peace,because war was not acceptable.
Now, we come to Earth. For already billions of years, the universe had arranged itself with power structures and a Federation. The primary purpose of the Federation, was to do the will of God; the will of the one central conciousness. And the one central concsiousness desires above all, to experience limitation and evolve towards perfection. Thus, the Federation now assists in this evolution.
A long time ago, arose a primitive human species, a primate, with the potential of being more. The Federation decided a long time ago it was to help homo-sapiens evolve. The greys from Zeta-Reticula were chosen as the most recent stewards of this responsibilty, and have been on task for the past 200,000 years.
Then in 1945, we did something quite unexpected. We blew up a nuclear device.
This signaled to the Federation that the human race was making rapid progress, but that their technological and spiritual development was out-of-sync. At this point, it was authorized to allow many other Federation members to assist the greys. Now, we see regularly all these different species.
In the 1950's the government began having contact with these species and attempted to get military technology from them. To the Federation, this is of course, how a backwards race thinks. As a result of this, the technology began to land in the hands of the Illuminati, who created their own secret projects and a plan for a fake alien invasion. Since they have long beenin the war-creating business, they saw the ET technology as a way of making more wars. All the technology which could have been used to help mankind, was and is still being suppressed.
The Federation, decided also, around this time, to start planting Federation souls into the general human population, as well as sending agents to mix with the humans. They had been doing this earlier as well, and many notable historical figures are in-fact, implanted souls, with modified DNA bodies (called containers.)
The hope was to awaken man as quickly as possible. As soon as man calls upon the Federation for concsious assistance, everything will get much better very quickly. However, because he is unaware of their benevolent nature, he makes no further progress and is stuck in the hell he currently finds himself.
However, the Illuminati have been working hard to undermine all these efforts. It is very sad, but true that the ones with the most power in this world, are working very hard to counter the efforts of the ETs. They have captured a great deal of alien technology and beings and are using them to create the illusion that the ETs are evil and are planning an invasion.
This is proposterous, because an invasion is not allowed by the Federation. It is totally illegal. But if we pretend an invasion to ourselves, they will have to allow it and hope we see through the lie. Most likely we will believe it, on the whole, as the masses always do.
What is then wrong with human beings, that they do not see the obvious truths of reality? Well, there are many things keeping mankind contained.
1. A body which is highly sensual and addictive, which experiences emotional extremes as well as a "switch-off" mechanism, which attempts to keep out all perceptions from other levels of reality.
2. A ruling elite who are intent on keeping the planet a hell.
3. A psychic field generator, designed to protect us, which is keeping us ignorant of certain truths.
4. Disembodied forces which keep mankind ignorant.
The psychic field generator was turned on to keep mankind from progressing too quickly in the wrong direction (i.e. technologically.) It has no effect spiritually.
What can we do to progress further? What is the next step?
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Our place in the universe
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The government must lie
How could alien abductions be legal?
Some people are saying the Greys are lying. Some people say they are hiding something and harvesting us for D.N.A. I have to laugh at this and explain to them that there is nothing an advanced race needs from us, other than the joy they receive by helping. There is no lack or mysteries left for these beings. They can only evolve higher on a spiritual level. To think they are here for any other reason, is to fail to understand just how advanced they really are and that they are not alone. They are operating under the law.
Some people site cases of evil alien abductions. Well, this has been proven to be the military and illuminati, using alien technology as part of project Blue Beam. Cattle mutilations have been proven again and again to be the government, using advanced craft. They would find used glow sticks and other human artifacts near the mutilation site. Some researchers even know exactly which company was responsible.
There is so much disinformation out there. And this disinformation has turned into folklore and has been repeated by people claiming to have contact with ETs. Don’t believe any of it. There are very few public real contactees out there. The government has also made use of contactees to spread disinformation.
When we track and tag polar bears, is that not a form of abduction? But polar bears are going extinct. This we know and so we track them for their own good; to see if we can save them.
What if, without the help of the ETs, they could see that we were going to destroy ourselves and the planet? And the only way to do this was to perform abductions, because they knew if they tried to explain to us why, that we would not believe or accept it. What if they had to evolve us, so that our understanding would grow to the point it was able to receive the truth?
If you react with indignation and anger to the idea of alien abductions, then you have just proven the point of what I am saying here. You have failed to understand.
You have failed to understand the nature of spiritual evolution.
You have failed to understand the law of the galaxy.
You have failed to understand who you really are.
And this is the crux of the matter. We don't understand what true benevolence is. We want to be left alone, like the polar bear that runs away from the scientist who is trying to save it. But we are running from our saviors. And to add to the mix, is the government, project Blue Beam, spewing its disinformation and lies.
Why the ETs are here
A man who was working with the ETs for the government (Greys) asked them directly why they abduct people. The alien answered immediately, "We are shepherding human souls and accelerating their spiritual evolution."
That sums up a lot of the UFO mystery. If people really want to know what it’s about, it’s about that. The secrecy helps us evolve. On this planet people are at so many different stages of their personal growth, that they are led to believe whatever they can handle. Because belief system is about what you can handle at the time you take it on. All belief systems, are in fact illusions, because reality is reality and that is what we need to learn to *experience*, not just philosophically. The belief system is that which keeps the mind busy, like a child with a toy, while the real work is being done in the experience. Reality (by direct perception), not belief is the end goal.
But people find that, day by day, reality gets so complex that no one anymore seems to be able to handle it. I think at least once a week someone invents a new computer language. There are thousands of them. The human brain can learn to comprehend all mysteries of the universe, but it must hand over a great deal to the Mind At Large. And every day we must hand more and more over to this greater Mind. Then the little mind will be just an interface to this Mind. This is the goal, to minimize our ego centered little mind and tap into the Great Mind.
Now, however, with 7 billion of us on the planet, things are starting to change. The necessity for us, en masse, to move in the direction of the Great Mind has come. We must all learn to embrace this. When the ETs come, this will push us to even higher levels of reality. Star Trek simplified everything so much, but the reality is even more complex. In order to navigate in our Interstellar galactic community will require even greater intelligence, which the ego-mind can no longer provide.